(Optional) Subscribe to get GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) push
To enable GCM push notification for an Android application:
- Enable the GCM service in Google, see Android developer Web site at: http://developer.android.com/google/gcm/gs.html#gcm-service.
- Configure Management Cockpit for server-side configuration to
receive GCM push notification.
- Obtain the sender ID, configured in the Management Cockpit
from the client application.
//use the clientConnection object initialized in the “Initializing An Application -> Creating and Initializing the Client Connection” section.
AppSettings appSettings = new AppSettings(clientConnection);
String senderID = (String) appSettings.getConfigProperty(“d:AndroidGcmSenderId”);
- Use the sender ID to register with the GCM server and obtain the registration ID.
For more information on how to build GCM enabled application, see http://developer.android.com/google/gcm/client.html.
- Send the registration ID obtained from the GCM server to the
SAP Mobile Platform Server.
HashMap<String, String> registrationSetting = new HashMap<String, String>();
registrationSetting.put("d:AndroidGcmRegistrationId", registrationId); //registrationId obtained from the previous step.
Configuration is complete and now the client application can obtain the push
Obtain the SAP Mobile Platform push end-point by using
the AppSettings.getPushEndPoint(). This endpoint can be used to
subscribe for push notifications from the back end.