Format phone numbers to use a corresponding international prefix. A country code determines the prefix used.
<!-- Phone --> <UIElement type="label"> <!-- The phone number will be formatted based on the international prefix. If no international prefix is available formatting is done based on the provided country code --> <P pid="text" value="+1234567890" /> <P pid="width" value="75%" /> <P pid="margin_bottom" value="5%" /> <P pid="halign" value="center" /> <Format type="address" pattern="PHONELOC" platform="Android"> <P pid="ADDRESS_MODE" value="3" /> <P pid="Phone" value="{$_value}" /> <P pid="OperatorCountryCode" value="0036" /> <P pid="CountryCode" value="HU" /> <P pid="CountryName" value="Hungary" /> <P pid="postalCode" value="1031" /> </Format> </UIElement>