Actions define how a control reacts to user interactions or internal
The framework currently supports these event types:
- onClick (touch)
- onLongClick (touch and hold)
- onOrientationChange (on-phone orientation change)
- onEnter (on Enter pressed)
- onSearch (for MAFSearchBars)
- onChange (for example, after text changes in TextViews)
- onDataLoaded
- onProgressCanceled
- onContextChanged
- onGlobalContextChanged
- onLeftSwipe
- onRightSwipe
- onBottomSwipe
- onTopSwipe
- onBeforeAppear
- onAfterAppear
- onAfterCreate
- onAfterDataLoad
These actions define what happens when an event is triggered:
- navigate – navigates to another screen with a given target
- back – returns to the previous screen.
- copy – copies attributes from the source object to the target
- save – saves any changes that have been made to the current
- delete – deletes the current object.
- uiRefresh – refreshes the current tile’s views.
- dataReload – reloads the data.
- showModal – presents the tile modally.
- dismissModal – closes a modal screen.
- updateContext – updates the tile’s context.
- clearContext – purges context.
- updateGlobalContext – updates the global context cache with
values that are provided as action parameters.
- clearGlobalContext – cleans up the global contex.
- pushUndoBuffer – starts an undo group; changes made in an
undo group can be undone simultaneously.
- popUndoBuffer – closes a previously opened undo group.
- emptyUndoBuffer – reverts all BO changes.
- showProgressView – shows an alert view; the alert view’s
parameters are provided in the binding and the BindingRef.
- showProgressIndicator – shows a progress indication in the
header area.
- dismissProgressView – closes the progress dialog or indicator
previously opened via showProgressView or showProgressIndicator.
- showAlterView - displays a new alert dialog.
- phoneCall – starts a phone call.
- showToast – shows a new toast message.
This example demonstrates how to define a button to react to touch
events by navigating to the tile with the TimeAccountsScreen ID:
<UIElement type=”button”>
<P pid="text" value="Time Accounts" visible="true" />
<P pid="halign" value="left" />
<P pid="width" value="49%" />
<P pid="height" value="25pt" />
<P pid="style" value="BlackButton" />
<Event id="onClick">
<Action id="navigate">
<P pid="target" value="TimeAccountsScreen" />