The MAFTreeView component is a graphical control for presenting and editing
hierarchical data structures. It provides basic wrapper objects for mapping your
hierarchical data into a format that is compatible with an MAF tree view. The wrapper
objects also specify linking among the data items, that is, you can use the wrapper objects
to define the hierarchical relations of the items you add to the tree view.
The component builds on the MAF reusable simple controls, and is skinnable.
Customization of the component’s user interface elements and subviews is dynamic, even
at application runtime. MAFTreeView enables device users to:
- Navigate through hierarchical data, for example a file system with folders and
files, or an organizational structure.
- Select elements that are on the same hierarchical level and do not contain
lower-level child entries.
- Execute different predefined actions on the selected elements. A maximum of
three different actions are supported.