MAF locale-aware controls are complex graphical components
for presenting and editing currency, phone numbers, and address information in localized
input fields.
Use these controls to request user inputs in the language and
locale set for the phone. You can also read the localized user input and use it for
later data processing (for example, for sending it to the back end). MAF locale-aware
controls let you:
- Present and obtain user information in a localized way for currencies, phone
numbers, and address fields in table view cell UI elements.
- Allow users to select values for input fields from a
predefined list of a finite number of values, for example, selecting country names or
currencies per countries.
- Allow users to select the label and type of input fields from a configurable
list of options, such as home, work, or private settings for phone types, or
work, home, or other settings for addresses.
- Allow users to enter free text information, such as amounts
and phone numbers, and properly format it using MAF formatters.
- Easily and dynamically customize the component’s UI elements and
subviews, even at application runtime. The controls are skinnable, as they all build on
MAF simple controls.
- Configure value helper list entries with your custom set.
- Define custom presentations for value helper lists, besides the out-of-the-box
value help screen modal behavior.