Month View

The MAFCalendarMonthView displays appointments in a grid view, where each cell represents a day with its appointments, if any.

Appointments are indicated with a dot under the date. There is a header for each day of the week and the current month and year. You can change the month by tapping the arrows. The embedding application is notified (MAFCalendarViewDelegate) when the month is changed and when the user picks a day. This figure shows the default month view control, but you can reskin it or customize some of its views.
Month View

Use the MAFIpadMainMonthView class to present the iPad month view:
iPad Month View
The iPad version of the month view lists appointment titles instead of marking days that have appointments. Tap the appointments to display details about them. Your application must provide the detail view for the appointments.

Phone Month View

To present the month view on iPhone, initialize an <MAFMonthCalendarView> object and add it as a subview to any presenting ViewController. For example:
MAFMonthCalendarView* view = [[MAFMonthCalendarView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 44, 320, 367)];
view.datasource = self;
view.delegate   = self;
view.startDate = [NSDate date];
view.tag = 42;
[vc.view addSubview:view];
[view release];

iPad Month View

To present the month view on iPad, initialize an <MAFIpadMainMonthView> object and add it as a subview to any presenting ViewController. For example:
	mafIpadMainMonthView = [[MAFIpadMainMonthView alloc] 
						initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 44, 1024, 768)];
[mafIpadMainMonthView setDelegate:self];
mafIpadMainMonthView.datasource  = self;
mafIpadMainMonthView.startDate = self.lastStartDate ;
[vc.view addSubview:mafIpadMainMonthView];
[mafIpadMainMonthView release];