
MAFUISegmentedControl is a subclass of the native UISegmentedControl class, which it extends with MAF styling capability through the MAFStyling protocol.

Default SAP Style Based MAFUISegmentedControl
Default SAP Style Based MAFUISegmentedControl
To create MAFUISegementedControl with default SAP style and add it as a subview to your ViewController, use:
NSArray *itemArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"One", @"Two", @"Three", nil];
	UISegmentedControl *segmentedControl = [[[UISegmentedControl alloc] initWithItems:itemArray] autorelease];
segmentedControl.frame = CGRectMake(35, 35, 250, 50);
segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex = 1;
[self.view addSubview: segmentedControl];
To change the appearance of the control, define a custom style XML class:
<Style basedOn="SegmentedControl" TargetType="SegmentedControl" Key="mySegmentedControl" platform="ios">
        <Setter Property="TintColor" Value="#00FF99"/>    <!--Tint color only works if the style is UISegmentedControlStyleBar and no image applied -->
        <UnSelectedBackgroundImage Height="30"  ImageSource="segcontrol_uns.png" Width="30"/>
        <SelectedBackgroundImage Height="30"  ImageSource="segcontrol_sel.png" Width="30"/>
        <DividerImageSelUns Height="30"  ImageSource="segcontrol_sel-uns.png" Width="30"/>
        <DividerImageUnsSel Height="30"  ImageSource="segcontrol_uns-sel.png" Width="30"/>
        <DividerImageUnsUns Height="30"  ImageSource="segcontrol_uns-uns.png" Width="30"/> 
        <Setter Property="iosStyle" Value="UISegmentedControlStylPlain"/>
To apply your custom style class, set the key value to match the mafStyleName property of the control:
segmentedControl.mafStyleName = @"UISegmentedControl";
You can change these properties in the skinning XML:
FontFamily The family of the font.
FontSize The size of the label's font.
TextColor The color of the label's text.
TintColor The color used to tint the control. Tint color works only if the style is UISegmentedControlStyleBar and no image is applied.
UnSelectedBackgroundImage The image used to set the backgroundimage of the control when a segment is not selected.
SelectedBackgroundImage The image used to set the backgroundimage of the control when a segment is selected.
DividerImageSelUns The image used to set the dividerimage of the control between the selected segment on the left and the unselected on the right.
DividerImageUnsSel The image used to set the dividerimage of the control between the unselected segment on the left and the selected on the right.
DividerImageUnsUns The image used to set the dividerimage of the control between 2 unselected segments.
iosStyle The iOS style of the control. Possible values:
  • UISegmentedControlStylePlain
  • UISegmentedControlStyleBordered
  • UISegmentedControlStyleBar
  • UISegmentedControlStyleBezeled