MAFUITabBar extends the native MAFUITabBar class with MAF styling capability using the MAFStyling protocol.You can style both the tab bar items and the tab bar itself.
MAFUITabBar* tabBar = [[MAFUITabBar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(40, 190, 250, 50)]; [tabBar setMafStyleName:@"UITabBar"];This code creates and styles an empty tab bar.
NSMutableArray *listOfTabBarItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; UITabBarItem* item = [[UITabBarItem alloc] initWithTabBarSystemItem:UITabBarSystemItemTopRated tag:100]; [listOfTabBarItems addObject:item]; [item release]; item = [[UITabBarItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Tab B" image:[UIImage imageNamed:@"employee_grey_24.png"] tag:1]; [listOfTabBarItems addObject:item]; [item release]; item = [[UITabBarItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Tab C" image:nil tag:2]; [listOfTabBarItems addObject:item]; [item release]; [tabBar setItems:listOfTabBarItems]; [listOfTabBarItems release];
<Style BasedOn="TabBar" Key="MyTabBarStyle" platform="ios"> <Setter Property="Background" Value="#339955"/> <BackgroundImage Height="40" ImageSource="tabBarBackgroundImage.png" Width="40"/> <IndicatorImage Height="40" ImageSource="tab_select_indicator.png" Width="40"/> <ShadowImage Height="40" ImageSource="tabBarUpperShadowImage.png" Width="40"/> <Setter Property="selectedImageTintColor" Value="#FF0000"/> </Style>To apply your custom style on MAFUITabBar, set the mafStyleName property to the key value for your custom style:
tabBar.mafStyleName = @”MyTabBarStyle”;
Background | Tint color of the MAFUITabBar background; can only be a solid color. |
BackgroundImage | Image for MAFUITabBar's background. |
IndicatorImage | Image for MAFUITabBar's indicator. Images can be local or can come from a url and they can be base64 encoded images. |
ShadowImage | Image for MAFUITabBar's shadow at the top of the control. Available in iOS 6.0 and above. |
selectedImageTintColor | The tint color of the gradient image used for the selected image. |