The MAFLogonUING notifies applications about the result of each MAFLogonManagerNG operation it executes. The MAFLogonNGDelegate protocol must be implemented by your application’s View Controller.
#pragma mark - MAFLogonNGDelegate impolementation /** Called when the logon finished either with success or error. */ -(void) logonFinishedWithError:(NSError*)anError { [self showAlertView:@"Logon" withError:anError]; } /** Called when the lockSecureStore method call finished either with success or error. */ -(void) lockSecureStoreFinishedWithError:(NSError*)anError { [self showAlertView:@"DataVault lock" withError:anError]; } /** Called when the updateApplicationSettings method call finished either with success or error. */ -(void) updateApplicationSettingsFinishedWithError:(NSError*)anError { [self showAlertView:@"Update app. settings" withError:anError]; } /** Called when the changeBackendPassword method call finished either with success or error. */ -(void) changeBackendPasswordFinishedWithError:(NSError*)anError { [self showAlertView:@"Password change" withError:anError]; } /** Called when the deleteUser method call finished either with success or error. */ -(void) deleteUserFinishedWithError:(NSError*)anError { [self showAlertView:@"Delete user" withError:anError]; } /** Called when the changeSecureStorePassword method call finished either with success or error. */ -(void) changeSecureStorePasswordFinishedWithError:(NSError*)anError { [self showAlertView:@"DataVault password change" withError:anError]; } /** Called when the registrationInfo method call finished either with success or error. */ -(void) registrationInfoFinishedWithError:(NSError*)anError { [self showAlertView:@"Display registration info" withError:anError]; }