After you initialize MAFLogonUIViewManager, present the MAF logon UI screens. The View Manager maintains a reference to the LogonMediator (which, in the code examples, may also be called the logonManager). To present a particular screen, call the corresponding operation on the LogonMediator, which notifies the View Manager of MAFLogonUING that the action requires input. The View Manager generates and presents the input screen. The View Manager then calls back the LogonMediator in MAFLogonManagerNG and executes the next step of the requested operation.
// call this method from any place in your application code - (void)doLogon { [logonUIViewManager.logonManager logon]; }
This presents the default logon screen.
Upon successful registration, the device user sees the Set Passcode screen. This is the second screen of the logon process, unless the Afaria configuration prohibits the usage of app passcodes, or if the password policy is disabled on SAP Mobile Platform. The password policy is set for the application connection template on the SAP Mobile Platform server by the IT administrator. The confirmation must match the app passcode, and the app passcode must match the password policy. This screen appears only if the password policy is enabled. The MAFLogonUING checks the password policy and presents the screen as appropriate.
// call this method from any place in your application code - (void)doDelete { [logonUIViewManager.logonManager deleteUser]; }When you call the logon manager’s deleteUser method, the Delete Registration Confirmation UIAlertView is presented.
// call this method from any place in your application code - (void)doLockSecureStore { [logonUIViewManager.logonManager lockSecureStore]; }
// call this method from any place in your application code - (void)doChangeAppPasscode { [logonUIViewManager.logonManager changeSecureStorePassword]; }
// call this method from any place in your application code - (void)doChangeBackendPassword { [logonUIViewManager.logonManager changeBackendPassword]; }This method call displays the Update Backend Password screen.
// call this method from any place in your application code - (void)doPresentRegInfo { [logonUIViewManager.logonManager registrationInfo]; }This method call displays the Registration Information Screen. This screen displays, in read-only mode, every input for the login screen during registration.