You can add a manually coded view or control to a tile.
To add a manually coded view or control to a tile, implement the didCreateTile: delegate method in the AppDelegate (see Intercepting Tile Creation Events). This method is invoked by the framework when a tile is created. Since the tile is also passed as a parameter, you can freely modify it, by adding subviews (views and controls), reordering existing subviews, and so on.
This example adds a label to the PurchaseOrders tile:
-(void) didCreateTile:(MAFTile*)tile_in { if ([tile_in.identifier isEqualToString:@"PurchaseOrders"]) { // add a button UILabel* label = [[[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(200, 300, 200, 40)] autorelease]; // add the element [tile_in.view addSubview:label]; } }
For another way to add a coded subview to a metadata driven tile, see Creating Custom UI Elements.