MAF includes several sample apps that demonstrate the capabilities of the Extensibility Framework:
Sample Application | Description |
Accessibility Demo | Sample app with accessibility labels and text defined in the Extensibility configuration. |
CustomAppWithExtensibility | A simple version of the mixing coded and metadata-driven tiles. This demo is a starting point and reference application when you are creating a custom-code application with custom data support that uses Extensibility-generated tiles. |
LeaveRequestDemo | A sample of the fully metadata-driven apps and embedding a custom control in a metadata-driven tile. |
MAFExtensibilityUIControlsSample | Demonstrates the various UI controls supported by the framework. |
MAFExtProvisioningSample | Demonstrates app configuration profile management on the client side. See also Extensibility Configuration XSD, The Data Source Adapter and Feeding the Tile with Custom Data. |
Extensible in Native (SampleApp_1_ ExtensibleInNative) | Uses a mix of metadata-driven tiles and native view controllers. |
Context Passing (SampleApp_2_ ContextPassing) | Shows how to pass context between tiles. |
Custom Action (SampleApp_3_ CustomAction) | Demonstrates how to handle custom actions defined for UI controls embedded in a tile. |
Offline Demo Data Support (SampleApp_4_DemoDataSource) | Runs without an online connection, relying exclusively on offline data. |
Composite Tiles (SampleApp_5_CompositeTiles) | Demonstrates how to create complex tiles that embed additional tiles. |
Custom Control (SampleApp_6_CustomControl) | Shows how to integrate custom UI controls in a metadata-driven screen. |
Related Data (SampleApp_8_RelatedData) | Demonstrates OData-specific data handling. |
Logging (SampleApp_9_Logging) | Shows how to retrieve and visualize the logs produced by the framework. |
Custom Data Source Adapter (SampleApp_10_CustomDataSource) | Presents how to replace the default data source adapter and data source implementation with a custom one. |
Blocking UI (SampleApp_11_Block_UI) | Shows how to control the behavior of long-running background tasks (with or without blocking the UI) by using the blockUI parameter. |
List Group (SampleApp_13_ListGroup) | Demonstrates how to group table cells based on a business object attribute. |
Formatters (SampleApp_14_Formatters) | Demonstrates the usage of value, address, and currency formatters. See Formatters. |
Field Visibility (SampleApp_15_HideAField) | Shows how to change the visibility of a UI element based on a business object (BO) attribute. |
UI Access (SampleApp_16_UIAccess) | Uses framework APIs to access UI elements (views and controls) that belong to a tile. |