Determine the input format, then optionally register a custom formatter factory to support special formatting needs.
<!-- Address --> <UIElement type="label"> <P pid="text" value="1031 Budapest Zahony Street 7" /> <P pid="wrapText" value="true" /> <P pid="width" value="75%" /> <P pid="margin_bottom" value="5%" /> <P pid="halign" value="center" /> <!-- Address Input Format – quite lengthy but this is how it works --> <Format type="address" pattern="?" platform="iOS"> <P pid="countryCode" value="HU" /> <P pid="HOUSE_NO" value="7" /> <P pid="STREET" value="Zahony" /> <P pid="LOCATION" value="Obuda" /> <P pid="CITY" value="Budapest" /> <P pid="REGION" value="Pest" /> <P pid="POSTL_COD1" value="1031" /> <P pid="COUNTRY" value="Hungary" /> </Format> </UIElement>To register a custom formatter factory for special formatting needs that are not covered by the currently available formatters use this XML:
<UIElement type="label"> <P pid="text" value="custom Formatter" /> <P pid="width" value="75%" /> <P pid="margin_bottom" value="5%" /> <P pid="halign" value="center" /> <!—Define a Custom Formatter --> <Format type="custom" pattern="?" platform="iOS"> <!—Define a Custom Formatter API --> <P pid="formatStyle" value="toUpperCase" /> </Format> </UIElement>For implementation details, see the SampleApp_14_Formatters sample app in Sample Applications.