Automatic updates – use data that is passed from another tile when a navigation action occurs. You can pass BO
attributes, references to context or global context data, or to free text. Use
$_context.<attribute> to refer to an existing local context
attribute, and $_global.<attribute> for a global context
attribute. This example shows how context parameters are passed when the navigate action
is triggered. The target tile’s (TileB) local context is updated with the two values: a
free text and a value coming from a
binding:<UIElement type="button">
<P pid="text" value="Go" />
<P pid="halign" value="center" />
<Event eventId="onClick">
<Action actionId="navigate">
<!--Context receiver – the target tile which receives the context upon navigating to it -->
<P pid="target" value="TileB" />
<!-- Keys and values to be passed to the target Tile's local context -->
<!-- The freetext value "Tablet" is passed for the key "type" -->
<P pid="type" value="Tablet" />
<!-- The movie title coming from the binding MovieTitles is passed for the key "movie" -->
<P pid="movie" value="{$MovieTitles.Name}"
Explicit updates – use the updateContext action. Use
updateContext to update the local context of tiles
that appear on the same screen, where navigation is impossible. iPad apps
generally update a tile's local context explicitly. You must specify the target tile (the receiver) in the same way as
for automatic updates. Similarly, define the key-value pairs to be passed to the target
tile as properties. You can pass BO attributes, references to local or global context
data, or to free text. Use
$_context.<attribute> to refer to an
existing local context attribute, and
$_global.<attribute> for a
global context attribute. To pass the same objects to several different tiles, add a new
updateContext action for every tile and repeat the context parameters. This example
demonstrates how to bind the updateContext to the onClick event of a button. When the
device user taps the button, the Tile3 target tiles’s context is updated for the
“platform” and “type” keys.
<UIElement type="button">
<P pid="text" value="Tablet" />
<P pid="halign" value="center" />
<Event eventId="onClick">
<Action actionId="updateContext">
<!—Context receiver – the target tile which receives the context-->
<P pid="target" value="Tile3" />
<!—the key and value to be updated -->
<!-- $_context.<attribute> denotes a context attribute -->
<P pid="platform" value="{$_context.platform}" />
<!—the key and value to be updated – value is free text in this case-->
<P pid="type" value="Tablet" />