The following items must be addressed prior
to performing this procedure:
- The directory in which the
new share will be placed must exist prior to creating the share.
- The directory for the share must be empty.
- The directory should be in a location accessible by all developers
on the team. This includes both read and write access to the directory
and its contents.
- The Agentry application project from which the share is to be
created must be the open project in the Agentry Perspective.
- The Agentry application project should be in a state where it
makes sense to share with other developers on the team.
- The Agentry application project cannot be connected to a share.
This procedure describes the steps involved in creating
a new share repository. When this procedure is complete, a share
will be created with the initial revision. The contents of this
revision will match the current state of the Agentry application
project from which the share is created. This local project will
be connected to the new share. The share will be available to others
for import to create local projects based on the initial revision.
Going forward the share will support all share operations by developers
with access to the share.
- Open the source Agentry application project in
the Agentry Perspective within Eclipse.
- Right click the root project folder in the Project Explorer
View. In the context menu select the item Team | Share Project...
This displays the Share Project Wizard:

- Select the item Agentry Share from the list displayed
in this screen. Click the [Next >] button.
This displays the Share Location screen:

- Enter the location of an existing directory accessible
to the developers on the team and meeting the requirements of an
Agentry Share Repository. Click the [Next >] button.
This creates the new share repository at the designated
location. The status screen displays the definitions as they are
added to the initial revision of the share:

- Click the [Finish] button to close the wizard and return
to the Agentry Perspective.
When this procedure is completed, the new share repository
is created. The initial revision of this share matches the current
open project in the Agentry Perspective. This local project is connected
to the newly created share repository. The share is now available
to other developers with read-write privileges to the selected location
from their Agentry
Developers with access to the share can import the initial
revision, or the current tip revision, creating local Agentry application
projects. Work performed by all developers can then be committed
to this share, making it available to all others on the team.