The following items must be addressed prior
to performing this procedure:
- The current Agentry application
project must be connected to a share repository.
- The Agentry application project should be in a state believed
to be stable and/or ready for integration into other developers
- Any desired public tags should be applied prior to performing
the commit.
- Any additional information needed for the revision about to
be created should be noted in preparation for adding such information
to the revision’s comments during this process.
This procedure describes the steps involved in committing
changes made to a local Agentry application project to the share
repository to which the project is connected. When complete, all
definitions modified in the local project since the last commit
will be added to the share repository as a new revision. This revision
will be the tip revision of the repository received by other developers
during subsequent updates up until another revision is committed.
- Right click the open project in the Project Explorer
View. In the context menu now displayed select Team | Commit.
This displays the Commit Wizard:

- This screen displays, first, the comment field for the
new revision and, second, the summary of changes made to the local
project. Edit the comments as necessary. Click the [OK] button
to proceed.
- The definitions that have been modified in the local
project are updated to the share as a new revision.
When this procedure is complete a new revision is added
to the repository as the tip revision. This revision includes the
local Agentry application project definitions as they existed at
the time of the commit. Any private tags on definitions resulting
from modifying those definitions have been removed from the local project.
When the new revision has been created, other developers
can retrieve the changes and integrate them with their local projects
by performing update operations.