The LOCATION function takes two decimal number parameters, treated as degrees of latitude and longitude, and returns the GPS location for those two values. The function may return an invalid GPS location if either the latitude or longitude parameters are invalid values.

Longitude values must be in the range -179 and 180, inclusive. Latitude values must be in the range of -90 and 90, inclusive. The returned location value includes the GPS location, a satellite count of 50, and a precision of 1.0.

This function is intended for use on devices equipped with a GPS unit, though it will return a GPS location for a given valid set of longitude and latitude values.


@LOCATION (Latitude, Longitude)
Required decimal number parameter; provides the latitude in degrees of the location to be returned as a GPS location by the function. Valid latitude values are in degrees with a range of -90 to 90, inclusive.
Required decimal number parameter; provides the longitude in degrees of the location to be returned as a GPS location by the function. Valid longitude values are in degrees in the range -179 to 180, inclusive.

Supported Return Types
