A transaction error handling step references a step definition that is run during transmit if an error occurs while the Server is processing the transaction. This includes errors returned by the data state or update steps. Error handling steps are run only when transaction failure handling is enabled, via a configuration option of the Agentry Server. An error handling step can respond to the Client to indicate the proper action to take in relation to the error that has occurred.
One of the key components to transaction error handling steps is the error fatality. This term refers to the severity of the error and the proper way in which the transaction should be handled as a result of the error. This can include retrying the transaction, possibly after a change is made to it by the user, or removing the transaction from the Agentry Client and storing its data to the failed transactions queue on the Agentry Server.
Error handling steps may not need to be defined as a apart of the transaction failure handling. The Agentry Server contains configuration options to set default behaviors, including the fatality level of an error. Error handling steps are normally defined to override these defaults where necessary.