The Agentry
Editor to
Eclipse includes search functionality. This functionality is supported
through the standard search wizard within Eclipse, with the addition
of an Agentry Search tab displayed in the Eclipse search wizard.
Within the Agentry Search tab there are numerous options available
specific to an Agentry application project. Project definitions
can be searched by tags, text contained within the definition, and
searches can be performed within the entire project or within the
currently selected definition and its descendent definitions only.
To perform a search of the Agentry project, select the Eclipse
menu item Search | Search... This displays the Search wizard, with
the Agentry Search tab selected:

The following items can be selected to perform a search of the
- Containing Tags: One or more tags from the
current project can be selected here, along with the option of definitions
with no tag applied. The drop down list at the end of the list of selected
tags allows for the selection of an AND or an OR search. AND requires
the definition to contain all selected tags, OR returns definitions
with any of the selected tags.
- Containing Text: Search text contained in the name, display
name, caption or label of the definition. This can be further refined
with the Text Search Type settings. Selection of the Containing:
Tags AND/OR Text option will also impact the search results. AND
will require the definition to contain both the selected tags and
entered text. OR will return definitions with either the tags or
the text or both.
- Text Search Type: Allows for the restriction of the search
text to be found in one of the three groups of text values of the
- Search Within: The options here allow for the scope of
the search to be set. This can include the entire project, the selected
definition in the Project Explorer View and its descendents, or
the definition displayed in the Properties View and it’s descendents.
- Text Match Type: These options allow for search behaviors
such as matching the whole word only, case sensitivity, and similar
- Show Results: The option to display all matching definitions
in the Search Results View, or to display each definition in turn
within the Properties View is set in this section.
Once the search options and criteria have been selected, click
the [Search] button to search the Agentry application project.
Matching definitions will be displayed according to the Search Results settings
selected in the wizard. Only the definitions of the currently opened
Agentry project are searched.