Error Handler Functions

Describes various error handler utility APIs used by custom internal adapters.

These functions are used for both input and output adapters.

API Description
void* createConnectionErrors(); Creates a ConnectionsErrors object and its related ConnectionErrorsWrapper object.
bool empty(void* connectionErrors); Checks whether two parameters pair without errors.
size_t sizeConnectionErrors(void* connectionErrors); Measures the size of a parameter pair and its error message and returns a measurement sum.
void clearConnectionErrors(void* connectionErrors); Clears the parameter pair created by the ConnectionErrors object and any error messages the pair generated.
void addParam(void* connectionErrors, const char *param, const char *error); Adds a parameter-value pair into the ConnectionErrors object.
void addGeneral(void* connectionErrors, const char* error); Adds a general error message into the ConnectionErrors object.
void getAdapterError(void* connectionErrors, char** errorString); Retrieves the stored parameter-value pair and the general error message created by the addParam and addGeneral APIs and places them into the errorString object.