Getting a Project

Create your authentication credentials, and use them to create a project.

All calls to SDK are available as external C calls.

  1. Create a credentials object for authentication:
    #include <sdk/esp_sdk.h>
    #include <sdk/esp_credentials.h>
    		EspError* error = esp_error_create();
    		EspCredentials * m_creds = esp_credentials_create(ESP_CREDENTIALS_USER_PASSWORD, error);  
    		esp_credentials_set_password(m_creds, esppass.c_str(),error);
  2. Create a project:
     EspUri* m_espUri = NULL; EspProject* m_project = NULL;
    	if ( isCluster){
    		m_espUri = esp_uri_create_string(project_uri.c_str(), error);
    		m_project = esp_project_get(m_espUri, m_creds ,NULL,error);
    		esp_project_connect (m_project,error);