The internal adapter configuration file is an XML file (.cnxml) that contains the properties and commands used by ESP to start and stop the internal adapter, as well as other information that allows the internal adapter to be configured from the ESP Studio.
The adapter configuration file also constructs the name for your custom adapter DLL file. The library name is referenced when you load your adapter.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Adapter type="input" id="custom_in" label="Custom Input" descr="Dummy Custom Input Adapter" > <Library file="custom_in" type="binary"/> <Special> </Special> <Section> <Parameter id="RowCount" label="RowCount" descr="How many rows to generate" type="uint" use="required" default="10"/> </Section> </Adapter>
Once the .cnxml and custom adapter DLL files are ready, copy them to the ESP_HOME/lib/adapters folder.