Specify values for the Event Stream Processor Subscriber module in the adapter configuration file. Specify this module for an output adapter only.
Parameter | Description |
ProjectName |
Type: string (Required if running adapter in standalone mode; optional if running in managed mode) Specifies the unique project tag of the ESP project to which the adapter is connected. For example, EspProject2. This is the same project tag that you specify later in the adapter configuration file in the Name parameter of the Event Stream Processor (EspProjects) parameters section. If you are starting the adapter with the ESP project to which it is attached (running the adapter in managed mode), you do not need to set this property as the adapter automatically detects the project name. |
StreamName |
Type: string (Required if running adapter in standalone mode; optional if running in managed mode) Name of the ESP stream from which the adapter subscribes to data. If you are starting the adapter with the ESP project to which it is attached (running the adapter in managed mode), you do not need to set this property as the adapter automatically detects the stream name. |