Stopping an Adapter

You can stop an adapter either in standalone or managed mode. In standalone mode, the adapter is stopped separately from the ESP project, and in managed mode, the adapter is stopped with the ESP project.

Mode Steps
  1. Stop the ESP node by running the stop_node.bat or script in the adapter instance folder.
  2. Stop the adapter by running the stop_adapter.bat or

Prerequisites: Create a .cnxml file for your adapter, and add an ATTACH ADAPTER statement in the CCL file of your project to reference the adapter.

  1. Stop the project to which the adapter is attached:
    cd %ESP_HOME%\cluster\nodes\<node_name> esp_cluster_admin
    --uri=esp[s]://<host>:19011 --username=<name> --password=<pass> --
     stop project <workspace-name>/<project-name>
    cd $ESP_HOME/cluster/nodes/<node_name> esp_cluster_admin
    --uri=esp[s]://<host>:19011 --username=<name> --password=<pass> -- stop project <workspace-name>/<project-name>

    You can also stop the adapter by issuing the stop adapter command from the esp_client tool, and restart it by issuing the start adapter command.

Related concepts
Adapter Integration Framework
Related tasks
Starting an Adapter
Creating a Cnxml File for a Custom Adapter
Related reference
Adapter Toolkit: Sample Cnxml File for Output Adapters
Adapter Toolkit: Sample Cnxml File for Input Adapters