The JMS Input transporter receives JMS messages from a JMS server, and sends it to the next module that is configured in the adapter configuration file. Set values for this transporter in the adapter configuration file.
Message Type Received | Java Object to Send |
TEXT (TextMessage) | String |
OBJARRAY (ObjectMessage) | Object |
Parameter | Description |
ConnectionFactory |
Type: string (Required) Specify the connection factory class name. No default value. |
JndiContextFactory |
Type: string (Required) Specify the context factory for JNDI context initialization. No default value. |
JndiUrl |
Type: string (Required) Specify the JNDI URL. No default value. |
Destination Type |
Type: string (Required) Specify the destination type. Valid values are: QUEUE and TOPIC. The default value is QUEUE. |
DestinationName |
Type: string (Required) Specify the destination name. No default value. |
MessageType |
Type: string (Required) Specify the message type you want the JMS transporter to
process. These types are supported:
SubscriptionMode |
Type: string (Optional) Specify the subscription mode for TOPIC (see the Destination Type parameter). Valid values are DURABLE and NONDURABLE. Default value is NONDURABLE. |
ScanDepth |
Type: integer (Optional) Specify the depth of the schema discovery. The adapter reads the number of rows specified by this parameter value when discovering the input data schema. The default value is three. |
ClientID |
Type: string (Required for DURABLE subscription mode only) Specifies the client identifier for a JMS client. Required for creating a durable subscription in JMS. Can be any string, but must be unique for each topic. No default value. Example: client1 . |
SubscriptionName |
Type: string (Required for DURABLE subscription mode only) Specifies a unique name identifying a durable subscription. Required for creating a durable subscription in JMS. Can be any string, but must be unique within a given client ID. No default value. Example: subscription1. |