Deploying the Device Application on iPhone Simulator

Deploy the SMPFlightManagement application to the iPhone simulator for testing.

Register an application connection in SAP Control Center or SAP Mobile Platform, enterprise edition, cloud version - Administration and Monitoring.

You must be connected to the server where the mobile application project is deployed.

  1. From the top menu, select Product > Edit Scheme to iPhone 6.0 Simulator.
  2. Select Product > Build then Product > Run to build the project and start the iPhone simulator.
  3. In the iPhone applications screen, open the SMPFlightManagement application. The SMPFlightManagement application's welcome page is displayed.
    iOs Welcome page
    When you run the application for the first time, it exits immediately with a dialog asking you to enter the application settings in the Settings application.
  4. In the iPhone simulator, go to Settings > SMPFlightManagement to enter the connection settings.
    • Host – The name of the machine where SAP Mobile Server is running.
    • Port – SAP Mobile Server port number. The default port number for HTTP channel is 8000.
    • Use HTTP – Enable if you want to use HTTP backend.
    • User Name – The name of the user.
    • Password – The user account password used to authenticate the user name entered.
    • App Passcode – The application pin to securely store your application password, and a database encryption key that is generated when the application launches.

    iOs Settings Page
  5. For subsequent launches of the application, you need enter only the App Passcode in Log In screen.
    App Passcode
  6. After you have successfully logged in to the application, you can see the carriers list.
    Carrier list iOS
  7. Close the simulator to stop the SMPFlightManagement iOS application.