Troubleshoot problems that arise if a subscription is not in a valid state, or if the check subscription command returns an error message.
By default, Replication Server error log files are in the $SYBASE/$SYBASE_REP/install directory. The Replication Server error log file name has this format:
where rs_name is the Replication Server name. The SAMPLE_RS log file name is SAMPLE_RS.log, in the $SYBASE/$SYBASE_REP/samp_repserver directory.
isql –Usa –Psa_pass –SSAMPLE_RS
drop subscription ptab1_sub for <repdefname> with replicate at rds.rdb without purge go
check subscription ptab1_sub for <repdefname> with replicate at rds.rdb go ptab1_sub doesn't exist.
create subscription ptab1_sub for <repdefname> with replicate at rds.rdb without holdlock direct_load user <puser> password <ppwd> go
The subscriptions created with the direct_load option materialize subscription data regardless of whether a table is marked and enabled for continuous replication.