Review the prerequisites before you begin setting up Oracle-to-SAP HANA database replication.
Familiarity with Oracle and SAP HANA database.
Valid licenses for Replication Server with ExpressConnect for HANA DB and Replication Server Options.
Install and configure Oracle Database 10g or 11g Enterprise Edition to serve as the primary (source) database from which Replication Agent replicates transactions, and SAP HANA database as the replicate (target) database.
If Oracle 10g or 11g Release 1 is the primary database, install the Oracle JDBC™ thin driver for Oracle 10g or 11g and for JDK 1.4 and 1.5. If the primary database is Oracle 11g Release 2, install the Oracle JDBC thin driver 11.2 for JDK 1.6.
TCP/IP connectivity between all hosts.
Install any operating system patches required for Java.
The Replication Agent has direct access to the Oracle online and archived redo logs.
Do not use Replication Server reserved words for object names and connection names. The Replication Server Reference Manual includes a complete list of reserved words.