Verifying the Replication Agent Instance Installation

Verify that the Replication Agent instance has been successfully installed.

  1. Use dsedit to update the Replication Server sql.ini (Windows) or interfaces (UNIX or Linux) file to include an entry for the Replication Agent location.
    Note: You can use any Tabular Data Stream™ (TDS) client utility (isql, isqlApp, or SQLAdvantage) that you prefer.
    To use direct load materialization, also add the server name part of the connection name to the interfaces file. This entry should point to Replication Agent. For example:
    master tcp ether hostname 9030
    query tcp ether hostname 9030
  2. Verify the connection to Replication Agent:
    1. Open a command window in the %SYBASE% (Windows) or $SYBASE (UNIX or Linux) directory of your Replication Agent installation.
    2. Set the environment variables by executing the SYBASE.bat file (Windows) or by sourcing the SYBASE.csh file (UNIX or Linux).
    3. Log in to Replication Agent:
      isql –Usa –Psa_pass –Smyra
      Note: These verification steps are optional because they were performed when you verified the resource file.
  3. Verify the Replication Agent connection to Replication Server:Verify the Replication Agent connection to Replication Server by entering:
    test_connection RS
    This result is returned:
     Type Connection
     ---- ----------
     RS   succeeded
    (1 row affected)

    If the result indicates a failure, either the server is not responding or the connection properties (host, port, user, or password) are incorrect. Verify the host and port configuration values, and manually log in to the Replication Server as the configured user to determine which property is incorrectly defined.

    See the Replication Agent Administration Guide.

    1. Enter:
      test_connection RS
    2. This result is returned:
       Type Connection
       ---- ----------
       RS   succeeded
      (1 row affected)
    3. If the result indicates a failure, either the server is not responding or the connection properties (host, port, user, or password) are incorrect. Verify the host and port configuration values, and manually log in to the Replication Server as the configured user to determine which property is incorrectly defined.

      See the Replication Agent Administration Guide.

  4. Verify the Replication Agent connection to the primary database:
    1. Enter:
      test_connection PDS
      You see:
      Type Connection
      ---- ----------
      PDS  succeeded
      (1 row affected)
    2. If the result indicates a failure:
      • The server is not responding, or

      • One of the connection properties is incorrect.

      Manually log in to the primary DB2 UDB database as the configured user to find which property is incorrectly defined.

      See "Testing network connectivity" in the Replication Agent Administration Guide.

Related tasks
Initializing the Replication Agent Instance