Installing Replication Agent

Install Replication Agent using the GUI wizard.

Note: If there is not enough disk space in your default temporary directory, set the IATEMPDIR (Linux or UNIX) or TMP (Windows) environment variable to a directory that has enough space. Include the full path to this directory.
  1. Log in to the Replication Agent host machine using an operating system user account with authority to start, stop, and administer the Replication Agent instance (for example, the “sybase” user).
  2. Close all nonessential applications, and minimize any open windows.
  3. Insert the Replication Agent distribution media in the appropriate drive.
  4. Start the installation program:
    • On Microsoft Windows platforms, the installation program should start automatically. If it does not, start the installation program from Microsoft Windows Explorer by double-clicking the setup.exe file.

    • On UNIX platforms, enter:
  5. Click Next.
    Note: You can click Cancel to stop the installation at any point.
  6. Select the geographic location, agree to the license agreement, and then click Next.
  7. Specify an installation directory. The default installation directory is:
    • Existing %SYBASE% or c:\sybase on Microsoft Windows platforms

    • Existing $SYBASE or /opt/sybase on UNIX platforms

    Click Next to accept the default installation directory, or:
    • Click Choose to select an installation directory in the file browser. Click Next.

    • Enter a directory name. Click Next.

    If the directory you specified exists, and already contains a Replication Agent installation, you are warned that you will overwrite the older version.

    If you continue and the older products were not installed with the current version of Replication Agent, the installation program overwrites the common files.

    If the directory name does not exist, click Yes when prompted to create it:
    The directory does not exist.
    Do you want to create it?
    If the directory you specified exists, you see:
    Warning: You have chosen to install into an existing
    directory. If you proceed with this installation,
    any older versions of the products you choose to
    install that are detected in this directory will be

    If you continue and the older products were not installed with the current version of Replication Agent, the installation program overwrites the common files.

    Note: On Microsoft Windows platforms, if you are prompted to overwrite a DLL, click Yes only if the version of the new DLL is newer than the one the installation program is attempting to overwrite.
  8. Select the primary database the Replication Agent will connect to.

    Click Next.

  9. Select one of these options to enter the license:
    • Specify license keys – browse to or specify the license file.

    • Use previously deployed license server – use a previously deployed license server. Enter the host name of the machine where the license server is running and the port number if the port number you are using is not the default.

    • Continue installation without a license key – install and use Replication Agent without a license for a grace period of 30 days. To continue using Replication Agent after the end of the grace period, obtain a valid license from the Sybase Product Download Center at, and install it.

      Note: Replication Agent is licensed statically when installed with RSHE. If you are installing Replication Agent with RSHE, locate the file that contains a valid SySAM license for the Replication Agent component in RSHE. Specify that license file here.

      See the Sybase Software Asset Management Users GuideSySAM Users Guide.

    Click Next until you see the Sybase Software Asset Management Notification window.

  10. On the Sybase Software Asset Management Notification window, configure your server for e-mail notification. When configuration is enabled, you receive information about license management events that require attention. Select Yes and either accept the default values that are supplied, or enter values for:
    • SMTP server host name

    • SMTP server port number

    • E-mail return address

    • Recipients of the notification

    • Message severity level of an event that triggers e-mail notification:
      • Informational

      • Warning

      • Error

    If you choose not to have e-mail alerts or severity messages logged, select No.

    Click Next.

  11. Review the product features or components listed on the Preinstallation Summary window. Click Install.

    The installation program installs the components in the installation directory you specified, and displays an installation progress indicator.

    If errors occur during the installation, the installation program displays error messages. Exit the installation program wizard to correct the cause of the error, then restart the installation program.

    If the software is installed successfully, you see a window confirming the successful installation.

  12. Click Done to complete the installation and close the installation program.