Installing Replication Server

Install Replication Server using the setup program.

  • Allocate a disk partition of at least 20MB for each Replication Server you are installing. You can add more partitions later, if necessary. Check each partition to make sure it is available and has write permissions.

  • Allocate the entire partition to the Replication Server. If you allocate only a portion of the partition to Replication Server, you cannot use the remainder for any other purpose.

  1. Verify that the drive on which you install the Replication Server has enough disk space for the components being installed, and at least 100MB of extra disk space for the installation program.
  2. Download and extract the Replication Server installation image from the SAP® Service Marketplace (SMP).
  3. Start the installation.
    • On Windows, launch the setup program.

      If the installer does not start automatically, double-click setup.exe or select Start > Run and enter the following:

      If there is not enough disk space in the temporary disk space directory, set the environment variable TMP to directory_name before running it again, where directory_name is the full path to and name of the temporary directory to which the installation program writes the temporary installation files.

    • (UNIX or Linux) If you downloaded the product, go to the directory where you extracted the installation image and start the installer:


      where setup.bin is the executable file name for installing Replication Server.

      If there is not enough disk space in the temporary disk space directory, set the environment variable IATEMPDIR to tmp_dir before running the installer again, where tmp_dir is the full path to the temporary directory to which the installation program writes the temporary installation files.

  4. In the Introduction window, click Next.
  5. Indicate where to install Replication Server:
    • To select an installation directory, click Choose, and browse for and select the directory.
    • To create a new directory, enter a new directory path.
    • To restore to the default directory, click Restore Default Folder.
    If the installation directory you chose does not exist, you see:
    The directory directory name does not exist. Do you want to create it?
    Click Yes.
    If the installation directory you selected exists, and already contains an Replication Server installation, you see:
    Warning: You have chosen to install into an existing
    directory. If you proceed with this installation,
    any older versions of the products you choose to
    install that are detected in this directory will be
    Click Next.
  6. Select the type of installation:
    • Typical – installs the default components. This is recommended for most users.
    • Full – installs every Replication Server component, including all the supported language modules.
    • Custom – lets you select the components to install. Some components are automatically installed if they are required to run your selected components.

    Click Next.

  7. Select the geographic location, agree to the license agreement, then click Next.
  8. On the Sybase Software Asset Management License Server window, select one of:
    • Specify License Keys – click Browse to select the license file. To select multiple license files, use Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click. The license pane displays the license information.

      Alternatively, copy and paste the license information directly in the license pane. Click Next.

      If you specify a served license key, the installer prompts you to install a new SySAM license server. Click:
      • Next to install the new SySAM license server and follow the installation prompts.
      • Previous and select Use previously deployed license server if you have an existing SySAM license server on the same host.
    • Use Previously Deployed License Server – for an existing license server, enter the host name of the machine where the license server is running, and the port number if the port number you are using is not default. Click Next.
    • Continue installation without a license key – click Next to proceed without any license keys. The installer allows you to install and use the Replication Server components without a license for 30 days. To continue using these components after the end of the grace period, obtain valid licenses and install these licenses using the Replication Server License Installer.

    See the SySAM Users Guide.

  9. Configuring your server for e-mail notification enables designated users to receive information about license management events requiring attention.


    • SMTP server host name
    • SMTP server port number
    • E-mail return address
    • Recipient e-mail addresses
    • Message severity that triggers e-mail messages

    Click Next.

  10. The installation summary window displays the selections you have made. Review the information, and click Install.
  11. On the Start Sample Replication Server window, select:
    • Yes to configure and start a sample Replication Server. The installer displays the configuration information for the sample Replication Server. Record this information. You must enter and confirm a password from 6 to 15 characters in length.
      Note: You cannot start the sample Replication Server on Linux on POWER because the ERSSD requires Sybase SQL Anywhere Server, which is not available on Linux on POWER.
    • No to manually configure a full-featured Replication Server and start a sample Replication Server after installation. The installer prompts you to either create a sample Replication Server directory or to proceed with the installation. Select either:
      • Yes – to create a sample Replication Server directory without starting the sample Replication Server, or,
      • No – to continue with the installation.
      See the Replication Server Configuration Guide for Windows or UNIX.
      Note: For a sample Replication Server instance, the rs_charset parameter must be set to utf8.

    Click Next.

  12. When the final window appears, indicating a successful installation, click Done to exit the installer.