Install Replication Server using the setup program.
Allocate a disk partition of at least 20MB for each Replication Server you are installing. You can add more partitions later, if necessary. Check each partition to make sure it is available and has write permissions.
Allocate the entire partition to the Replication Server. If you allocate only a portion of the partition to Replication Server, you cannot use the remainder for any other purpose.
On Windows, launch the setup program.
If there is not enough disk space in the temporary disk space directory, set the environment variable TMP to directory_name before running it again, where directory_name is the full path to and name of the temporary directory to which the installation program writes the temporary installation files.
(UNIX or Linux) If you downloaded the product, go to the directory where you extracted the installation image and start the installer:
where setup.bin is the executable file name for installing Replication Server.
If there is not enough disk space in the temporary disk space directory, set the environment variable IATEMPDIR to tmp_dir before running the installer again, where tmp_dir is the full path to the temporary directory to which the installation program writes the temporary installation files.
The directory directory name does not exist. Do you want to create it?Click Yes.
Warning: You have chosen to install into an existing directory. If you proceed with this installation, any older versions of the products you choose to install that are detected in this directory will be replaced.Click Next.
Click Next.
Alternatively, copy and paste the license information directly in the license pane. Click Next.
See the SySAM Users Guide.
Click Next.
Click Next.