You can add spatial data to a table by using a Well Known Text file (WKT) that contains text that can be used to load spatial data into a database and be represented as geometry.
The privileges required to load data depend on the -gl server option. If the -gl option is set to ALL, one of the following must be true:
If the -gl option is set to DBA, you must the LOAD ANY TABLE or ALTER ANY TABLE system privilege.
If the -gl option is set to NONE, LOAD TABLE is not permitted.
When loading from a file on a client computer:
READ CLIENT FILE privilege is also required.
Read privileges are required on the directory being read from.
The allow_read_client_file database option must be enabled.
The read_client_file secure feature must be enabled.
The spatial data is successfully loaded from the WKT file.
You can view the data in Interactive SQL using the Spatial Viewer.