The navigation action step type displays an object screen set on the Agentry Client. It includes optional definable behaviors to specify the screen and control on the screen to which the initial focus is set. It may also be defined to close the previous screen set displayed. Screen sets may be defined to display an object, transaction, or fetch. A navigation action step is defined to display only those screen sets defined to display an object.
When selecting a specific screen within a screen set to be the first one displayed, you will typically select any of the screens not at position one within the screen set. The screen at position one within the screen is displayed first by default. If the navigation step displays a screen set with multiple platforms, and the selected screen definition is not used by one or more of the platforms, the screen at position one within the screen set is displayed first on those device platforms.
Similar behavior is exhibited when a specific field is selected within a detail screen to have the initial focus. If the field does not exist on a screen for a given platform, the default focus field, as defined within the screen, will contain the initial focus.
If the initial screen defined to be displayed is a list screen, the optional behavior of selecting one or more rows by default within that list can be defined. There are several options for selecting the rows, including: by position within the list; conditionally based on a rule; or to not select any record within the list.
The definable behavior of closing the previous screen set, or closing all open screen sets, can be used when navigating from one screen set to the next. However, it is recommended that closing the previous screen behavior not be defined when navigating from a module main screen set, as closing the main screen set is considered undesirable user interface behavior except in rare circumstances. Closing all open screen sets will never close the current module’s main screen set.
Closing the previous screen set or all non-main screen sets may also be defined in a navigation step that does not display a new screen set. This definition option results in the user being returned to the previously displayed screen set, i.e. the one from which they navigated to the current screen set, or the module main screen set. These behaviors are supported to ensure that a screen set and its screens are truly destroyed when the user wishes to close them. Certain client devices and their shells do not close a screen once opened. Rather, when a user clicks the close button (or sometimes an OK button) displayed in a title bar, the screen itself is simply hidden, but still remains in the background. The navigation step will close a screen set by destroying the screen object in memory. Closing all open screen sets other than the module main screen set provides an easy means of returning the user to the module main screen set if they are multiple levels deep into the application’s screen flow.