Troubleshoot CTS Imports

When using a CTS transport request to import a package or application, a return code and deployment message is recorded in the CTS detail log.

Import MBO Package Return Codes
Return Code Meaning Possible Causes
0 The import has been successfully completed. The MBO package is imported successfully into the target SAP Mobile Server.
8 Content errors occurred when importing.
  • The imported archive is not a valid MBO package archive. Create a new transport request and import it.
  • The specified import domain does not exist in the target SAP Mobile Server. Create the required import domain in the target system or specify a different domain, then retry the import.
  • The target SAP Mobile Server does not have the security configuration used by the package, or the security configuration is not assigned to the specified domain. Create the required security configuration in the target system and retry the import.
  • The target SAP Mobile Server does not have the server connection definition that is used by the MBO package in the specified domain. Create the required server connection in the target system and retry the import.
12 A tool issue occurred during the import. Resolve the problem and import the same transport request again.
  • The target SAP Mobile Server is down.
  • The deployment method properties are not set correctly in the target system in CTS. For example, the Deploy URI is not correct.
  • The provided user name or password is incorrect, or the user does not have authorization to perform the import operation.
Import Hybrid App Return Codes
Code Meaning/Action Possible Causes
0 The import has been successfully completed. The Hybrid App package is imported successfully into the SAP Mobile Server.
8 Content errors occurred when importing. The archive is not a valid Hybrid App archive. Create a new transport request and import it.
12 A tool issue occurred during the import. Resolve the problem and import the same transport request again.
  • The target SAP Mobile Server is down.
  • The provided user name or password is incorrect, or the user does not have authorization to perform the import operation.
Import Application Return Codes
Code Meaning Return Error
0 The import has been successfully completed. The application is imported successfully into the target SAP Mobile Server.
8 Content errors occurred when importing.
  • The imported archive is not a valid application archive. Create a new transport request and import it.
  • The specified import domain does not exist in the target SAP Mobile Server. Create the required import domain in the target system, or specify a different domain, then retry the import.
  • The archive does not include the MBO package archive used by the application. Create a new transport request and retry the import.
  • The security configuration in the application connection template does not exist on the target SAP Mobile Server. Create the required security configuration in the target system and retry the import.
12 A tool issue occurred during the import. Resolve the problem and import the same transport request again. The target SAP Mobile Server is down.
13 A tool issue occurred during the import. Resolve the problem and import the same transport request again. The provided user name or password is incorrect, or the user does not have authorization to perform the import operation.
Note: If the application archive includes the MBO package archive used by the application, the codes may indicate the failure conditions listed for MBO packages.