SAP Mobile Server or RSOE Startup Problems

Problem: Various issues, such as SAP Mobile Server or Relay Server Outbound Enabler (RSOE) failing to start, are encountered without any obvious error messages.

Explanation 1: This may occur if the SAP Mobile Server host machine is running intrusion detection software, such as the McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention service. For example, a connection from the consolidated database (CDB) to the SAP Mobile Server node to be flagged as an attack, and the CDB host might be added to the list of blocked hosts, preventing communication between SAP Mobile Server and the CDB. The SAP Mobile Server log reports connectivity problems with the CDB, and start-up failure problems similar to:

YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS ERROR MMS Thread-55 [com.sybase.djc.log.SystemExceptionLog] com.sybase.djc.DataStoreException was thrown by method com.sybase.djc.server.PartitionLock.updateLock(boolean)\ncom.sybase.djc.DataStoreException: Connection Failed: java.sql.SQLException: JZ006: Caught IOException: Software caused connection abort: connect ...

Workaround: Use the information below to set up some exclusion rules to allow the required communication between the CDB and SAP Mobile Server nodes; rules may vary depending on the intrusion detection software used.

  • SAP Mobile Platform to CDB – uses a connection through jConnect™ driver. There are two kinds of protocols between SAP Mobile Platform and CDB:
    • The MobiLink™ and CDB connection uses Command Sequence.
    • The jConnect connection uses TDS.
  • RSOE to Relay Server – uses either an HTTP and HTTPS connection.
  • SAP Mobile Server to SAP Mobile Server – for administration communication uses:
    • Administration communication (MMS to MMS) uses IIOPS protocol by default.
    • Administration communication (MMS to Mobile Office service) uses IIOPS protocol by default.

Explanation 2: If .NET is present when SAP Mobile Platform is installed, and the .NET installation is corrupt, the SAP Mobile Platform installer does not detect the problem, leaves the corrupt .NET in place and SAP Mobile Server does not start.

Workaround: Uninstall both SAP Mobile Platform and .NET, then reinstall SAP Mobile Platform, letting the SAP Mobile Platform installer install .NET.

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Related reference
SAP Mobile Server Service Fails to Restart After Credential Change
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Performance Issues if SAP Mobile Server Not Installed on a 64-bit Machine
.NET Environment Problems Affect SAP Mobile Server
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