Namespace Name Does Not Exist Error

Problem: When generating C# code, this error appears: The type or namespace name <'name'> does not exist in the namespace ' (are you missing an assembly reference?).'.

The full message, including an example, appears as:

public sealed class SalesForceAutomationDB : com.sybase.afx.DatabaseBase

Error	1	The type or namespace name 'sybase' does not exist in the namespace '' (are you missing an assembly reference?)	
C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\SFA\SFA\Generated Code\src\SUP\Mobile\com\SalesForceAutomationDB.cs	41	54	SFA
Explanation: The namespace name does not follow C# namespace conventions. In this example, avoid using patterns that include com, and embedding a name, such as Sybase®:
  • (xxx.)+com(.xxx)*
  • (xxx.)+Sybase(.xxx)*

Solution: Change the namespace name to follow C# namespace conventions, and regenerate C# code. In this example, the conventions would not use com, and would include the Sybase name in the format Sybase.Persistence.

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