Sending Error Log Fragments

Error logs are a valuable source of information for troubleshooting problems. Provide error logs, or error log fragments, when reporting your problem. Also provide a timestamp of when the problem occurred, so that logs can be compared.

In many cases it is advisable to back up the log file, clear its contents, reproduce the problem, and then send the log file. This reduces the content of the log file to pertinent information needed to diagnose the problem.

If possible, remove or uninstall unnecessary packages from SAP Mobile Server, then reproduce the problem. When reproducing the problem, try, as much as possible, to omit unnecessary steps. If you have cleared the log, as described above, before reproducing the problem, only relevant information will be logged. Another good idea for capturing diagnostic information is to take error screen shots, or record videos that capture reproducible steps. These practices significantly reduce unnecessary information in server logs and help the troubleshooting process.

To prepare error log file fragments:

  1. Identify the log files that may include important information.
  2. Copy error log files to a separate directory, or copy a section from an error log file to a separate text file.
  3. Include the error log file or files, as well as screen shots and video logs, with the problem report you submit to Technical Support.