SAP Control Center Windows Service Fails to Start

Problem: When starting the SAP Control Center X.Xservice, it takes a long time before failing, and the service manager displays a message that the service start-up has timed out.

The SCC_HOME\log\agent.log shows the failure message.

Explanation 1:

Explanation: This problem usually occurs when the SAP Control Center repository database log file is out of sync with the repository database. A related symptom is the message SQL Login Failure in the SAP Control Center repository log file.

Solution 1: Review SCC_HOME\services\Repository\scc_repository.log log for any issues with the database transaction log file during startup. If the transaction log could not be processed, the database cannot start, and consequently nor can the SAP Control Center service. Resolve this error by:
  1. Creating a backup of SCC_HOME\services\Repository\scc_repository.log.
  2. Deleting the SCC_HOME\services\Repository\scc_repository.log file and restarting the SAP Control Center service.
Solution 2: Review SCC_HOME\services\Repository\scc_repository.log log for any failures in database transaction and/or recovery. Resolve this error by temporarily configuring the repository database (-f) to start without a transaction log:
  1. Log out of SAP Control Center and then shutdown SAP Control Center service.
  2. Open a command prompt window, and run the following command:

    SCC_HOME\bin\sa\bin_windows32\dbsrv11.exe -n scc_repository -o SCC_HOME\services\Repository\scc_repository.slg -f  -m -qi -qw -sb 0 -gn 100 -gm 500 -zl -zp -x TCPIP{port=3638} SCC_HOME\services\Repository\scc_repository.db

  3. Delete the SCC_HOME\services\Repository\scc_repository.log file using Windows Explorer.
  4. Restart the SAP Control Center service.

Explanation 2

Explanation: The process sccservice.exe was not stopped during previous stops of SAP Control Center (even though the Windows Service "SAP Control Center x.x.x" does not show that it is running).

Solution: Use Windows Task Manager to kill the process tree of sccservice.exe, then restart SAP Control Center.