Port Number Reference

Change SAP Mobile Platform component port numbers after installation, if necessary.

Proceed with caution when changing port numbers because the change might impact other configuration files that point to that port. You need to be aware of the default SAP Control Center port numbers so you do not accidentally use these ports when you change SAP Mobile Platform ports. You can change some SAP Control Center default ports, but, in some cases, you should not.

Note: To make SAP Mobile Server port number changes, temporarily stop the other service consuming those ports. Use SAP Control Center to make the changes, then restart SAP Mobile Server.
Note: Port numbers 5701, 5702, and 5011 should be reserved ports.
Port Description Default Port Instructions for Changing
Data tier (CDB) server Port number for the data tier that manages transactions between the enterprise information system and mobile devices.


Do not change the CDB port.

Management ports IIOP port number on which the SAP Mobile Server listens for SAP Control Center administration requests.


2001 for secure management ( default)

Default is recommended. No change is required.

HTTP ports HTTP port number on which SAP Mobile Server listens for:
  • Data change notification (DCN) events (server authentication).
  • HTTP channel notification (mutual authentication).

8000 for HTTP

8001 for HTTPS

Configure in SAP Control Center by selecting Configuration, clicking the Web Container tab and entering a new DCN port or secure DCN port, as required.

See Configuring Web Container Properties in SAP Control Center for SAP Mobile Platform online help.


Port numbers on which SAP Mobile Server synchronizes data between the enterprise information system and mobile devices.

Messaging port uses a proprietary encryption method, so communication is always encrypted.

2480 for replication

5001 for messaging

Configure in SAP Control Center by selecting Configuration. In the Components tab, select Replication or Messaging, click Properties and enter a new synchronization port, as required.

Note: If there is a conflict for port 2480 or 2481, SAP Mobile Server will not start, and you cannot use SAP Control Center to modify them. To correct the problem, you must temporarily stop the service that uses the conflicting port, then start SAP Mobile Server.

For replication payloads, see Configuring Replication Subscription Properties in SAP Control Center for SAP Mobile Platform online help.

For messaging payloads, see Configuring Messaging Properties in SAP Control Center for SAP Mobile Platform online help.

Mutual secure port

Port numbers on which SAP Mobile Server uses HTTPS with mutual certificate authentication to authenticate at the network edge.


Configure in SAP Control Center by selecting Configuration. In the Components tab, select Replication, click Properties and enter a new port, as required.

Messaging server administration Port number for the messaging service for SAP messaging clients.

5100 for administration services

Cannot be changed in SAP Control Center.

Use the SMP_HOME\Servers\Messaging Server\Bin\AdminWebServicesTool.exe command line tool to change the messaging service Web service port. This tool has built in online help describing how to use the tool. From the command prompt run:

SMP_HOME\Servers\Messaging Server\Bin > AdminWebServicesTool.exe set=<port> restart

SAP Control Center Additional default port numbers of which to be aware, when modifying port numbers.

9999 for default RMI agent port

2100 for default JMS messaging service port

3638 for default SAP Control Center repository database port

8282, 8283 for default Web container ports

  • 9999 – default RMI agent port. The port is set in:


  • 2100 – default JMS messaging service port. The port is set in:


  • 3638 – default SAP Control Center repository database port. The default port is set in:


  • 8282, 8283 – default Web container ports. The default ports are set in:


Before you make any changes to these files, stop SAP Control Center X.X service. Start the service after you complete the changes. If any of the subsystems fail to start, check the SAP Control Center agent.log for error messages.

Relay server Port numbers on which Relay Server listens for requests.

80 for the HTTP port

443 for the HTTPS port

Change the value for the cluster in SAP Control Center for SAP Mobile Platform. You can then generate the file and transfer it to the corresponding SAP Mobile Server host.

See Setting Relay Server General Properties in SAP Control Center for SAP Mobile Platform.

Agentry client-server ANGEL port Port number reserved for Agentry client-server communications using the ANGEL connect type.


For information on network adapter and port configuration options, see the following topics in System Administration:

  • Configuring Agentry Client-Server Communications
  • Agentry Server: [ANGEL Front End] Configuration Section
SAP Mobile Platform reserved Port numbers reserved for internal use by SAP Mobile Platform components







5701/5702 are for mlsrv12.exe

5011 is for OBMO.exe

Do not use these special port numbers for any purpose. These ports differ from Windows reserved ports (1-1023).

Note: Even if the installer does not detect a conflict at install time, Windows may later use ports in the 1024-64K range for other purposes. Read Microsoft documentation to determine how to reserve SAP Mobile Platform ports. Otherwise, you may experience intermittent problems when starting up platform services due to Windows using these ports for some other purpose at the same time.
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