SAP Control Center Fails to Start

Problem: The SAP Control Center server does not start.

Explanation: This typically happens when the configuration information needed for SAP Control Center to start is not correct or is incomplete. Several scenarios may cause this condition, such as a host name that cannot be resolved or an IP address that changed, or an Out Of Memory error that caused one or more property file to be truncated.

Solution: The configuration must be restored to start SAP Control Center. See the appropriate scenario below.

Scenario 1 - Host Name Cannot be Resolved, or IP Address Changed

This problem occurs when the host name cannot be resolved or the IP address of the machine has changed since the product installation. This troubleshooting section applies only when either of these scenarios is true.

Solution 1: Change the host name to its IP address in the SAP Control Center service-config.xml file:

  1. From the command line, verify the host name by running nslookup<hostname>.
  2. If the DNS server cannot resolve the host name, edit the collocated SCC_HOME\services\RMI\service-config.xml file:
    1. Log out of SAP Control Center.
    2. Stop the SAP Control Center X.X service.
    3. Open SCC_HOME\services\RMI\service-config.xml.
    4. Locate this line: <set-property property="address" value="<hostname>"/>.

      If the line does not exist, add it under the <properties></properties> element in the file.

    5. Change the value from the host name to the IP address of the host computer. If the IP address is already used, ensure it is valid (especially if the IP address has recently been changed).
    6. Restart the SAP Control Center X.X service.
    7. Log in to SAP Control Center and proceed with your administrative tasks.

Scenario 2 - Out Of Memory Issue, and Property File Truncation

If the problem starts after some time has passed, it could be due to an Out of Memory error (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError) in the SAP Control Center log (agent.log or gateway.log).

Solution: Check the SAP Control Center properties files for truncation. If files are truncated, restore them using the information below.
  1. Check in SCC_HOME\services\Messaging\lib\eas\lib\Repository\Server\EmbeddedJMS\Instance\com\sybase\djc\sql\DataSource. You should have the content listed below; if not, restore it.
    Note: Sample port numbers are used; substitute your port number values where required.
    #Instance Properties
    #Tue Nov 06 14:04:30 EST 2012
    databaseStopCommand="~/bin/asa-stop${.bat}" -y -c uid\=DBA;pwd\=${password};eng\=${dataSource}
    databaseCreateCommand="~/bin/asa-init${.bat}" -q -z UTF8 -zn UTF8 "${databaseFile}"
    authenticatedSQL=SET TEMPORARY OPTION CONNECTION_AUTHENTICATION\='Company\=SAP;Application\=SAP Control Center;Signature\=000fa55157edb8e14d818eb4fe3db41447146f1571g04cf0bfedc80ad0e47aa6c3df7a00c768ef89d61'
    databaseStartCommand="~/bin/asa-start${.bat}" -x tcpip(MyIP\=;Host\=localhost;Port\=3638;DoBroadcast\=no;BroadcastListener\=no) -n ${dataSource} "${databaseFile}" -qi -qw
  2. Check the Listener files in SCC_HOME\services\Messaging\lib\eas\lib\Repository\Instance\com\sybase\djc\server\SocketListener. You should have the content listed below; if not, restore it, substituting your port number values where required:
      #Instance Properties
      #Mon Sep 29 14:13:50 EDT 2008