Advanced Device Properties

Advanced properties set specific behavior for messaging devices.

ID: property name (type) Description Default
1300: Keep Alive (sec) (integer) The Keep Alive frequency used to maintain the wireless connection, in seconds. Acceptable values: 30 to 1800. 240
1301: Device Log Items(integer) The number of items persisted in the device status log. Acceptable values: 5 to 100. 50
1302: Debug Trace Level (integer) The amount of detail to record to the device log. Acceptable values: 1 to 5, where 5 has the most level of detail and 1 the least.
  • 1: Basic information, including errors
  • 2: Some additional details beyond basic
  • 3: Medium amount of information logged
  • 4: Maximum tracing of debugging and timing information
  • 5: Maximum tracing of debugging and timing information (currently same as level 4)
1303: Debug Trace Size (KB) (integer) The size of the trace log on the device (in KB). Acceptable values: 50 to 10,000. 50
1304: Allow Roaming (boolean) Use ifdevice is allowed to connect to server while roaming. Acceptable values: true and false. True
1305: Relay Server URL Prefix (string) The URL prefix to be used when the device client is connecting through Relay Server. The prefix you set depends on whether Relay Server is installed on IIS or Apache. For IIS, this path is relative. Acceptable values include:
  • For IIS – use/ias_relay_server/client/rs_client.dll.
  • For Apache – use /cli/iasrelayserver.
Note: The value used in the client application connection for the URL suffix must match what the administrator configures in the URL suffix. Otherwise, the connection fails. Use the Diagnostic Tool command line utility to test these values. See Diagnostic Tool Command Line Utility (diagtool.exe) Reference in System Administration.
1307: Compression Enabled (boolean) Indicates whether the client software will use compression when communicating with the server. The default is true (compression on).  
1308: Encryption Enabled (boolean) Indicates whether the client software will use encryption when communicating with the server.
Turns off message encryption except when using HTTPS:
  • The encryption setting defaults to encryption "on" in CFG_PROP_DEFS (and in new clients before settings are received). This provides backward compatibility for existing templates and registrations.
  • Newly created templates default to encryption "off", if the value is not explicitly specified. As a result, new templates generally have encryption "off".