Connection Properties

Connection properties define the connection information for a client application so it can locate the appropriate SAP Mobile Server synchronization service.

ID: property name (type) Description Default
1: Server Name (string) The DNS name or IP address of the SAP Mobile Server, such as "". If using Relay Server, the server name is the IP address or fully qualified name of the Relay Server host. n/a
2: Server Port (integer) The port used for messaging connections between the device and SAP Mobile Server. If using Relay Server, this is the Relay Server port. 5001
3: Farm ID (string) The string associated with the Relay Server farm ID. Can contain only letters A – Z (uppercase or lowercase), numbers 0 – 9, or a combination of both. 0
6: Activation Code (string) The original code sent to the user in the activation e-mail. Can contain only letters A – Z (uppercase or lowercase), numbers 0 – 9, or a combination of both. Acceptable range: 1 to 10 characters. n/a