Creating a MLMon User for SAP Mobile Server

Before you can use the MLMon synchronization utility, you must create a user to connect to the SAP Mobile Server server.

  1. Navigate to SMP_HOME\Servers\SQLAnywhereXX\BINXX
  2. Add the MLMon user to the cache database by running this command:
    mluser -c "DSN=<databaseSourceName>;UID=<dbaUserID>;PWD=<databasePassword>" -u <mobilinkUserName> -p <mobilinkPassword>
    Note: Default values for this command are:
    • DSN=default-cdb
    • UID=dba
    • PWD=SQL
When the user has been added you will see a message like the following:
Server User Utility Version
This software is using security technology from Certicon Corp.

You can now start the MLMon synchronization utility. For more information, see Synchronization Monitor (mlmon) Utility.

For more information on working with MLMon users, see