Installation Directories

To ensure a successful installation, review the SAP Mobile Platform server component installation directories.

By default, SAP Mobile Platform server components are installed in the C:\SAP\MobilePlatform directory. In this guide, SMP_HOME represents the SAP Mobile Platform installation directory, down to the MobilePlatform folder.

SAP Mobile Platform Installation Subdirectories
Directory Description

JVM used by the uninstaller.

Servers\UnwiredServer\data Database and transaction log files.
InstallLogs Log files created each time the SAP Mobile Platform Runtime installer is used. Use these logs to troubleshoot installer issues.
IntroscopeAgent Introscope Agent for 64-bit Installations.


JDK required by SAP Mobile Platform components.
sapjco SAP Java Connector files.
scc_cert Certificate files for SAP Control Center.
Servers SAP Mobile Platform server components.
Servers\AgentryServer Agentry server.
Servers\MessagingServer SAP messaging server.
Servers\SQLAnywherexx Database server for cache, cluster, and logging databases.

Default database file location is the data\ subdirectory.

Servers\UnwiredServer SAP Mobile Server components.
Servers\UnwiredServer\doe-c_clu SAPĀ® Data Orchestration Engine Connector (DOE-C) Command Line Utility components. CLU.bat in bin directory starts the DOE-C console.
Servers\UnwiredServer\doecSvlet SAPĀ® Data Orchestration Engine Connector (DOE-C) runtime components.
Servers\UnwiredServer\licenses SySAM license files. When an unserved license is updated, copy the new files here.
supXXupgradesmpXXupgrade Appears only in installations upgraded from an earlier version of SAP Mobile Platform.
ThirdParty License terms of third-party components included in SAP Mobile Platform.
Uninstallers Uninstallers for SAP Mobile Platform Runtime components.
Uninstallers\MobilePlatform SAP Mobile Platform Runtime uninstaller.

Utilities used by the SAP Mobile Platform Runtime installer.

By default, SAP Control Center components are installed in the C:\SAP\SCC-XX directory.
Note: If you have other SAP products installed on the same host as SAP Mobile Server, you may have more than one version of SAP Control Center.
SAP Control Center Installation Subdirectories
Directory Description
backup Backup files.
bin Scripts to start or stop SAP Control Center management framework components.
common Files shared by SAP Control Center components.
conf Configuration files, including security providers for administration logins.
ldap LDAP-related files.
log Log files used by SAP Control Center and its console plug-ins to capture only management framework events. No SAP Mobile Platform data is captured here, except administration logins.
plugins Managed resource plug-ins.
rtlib Runtime library files.
sccRepoPwdChange SAP Control Center repository password update files.
server Class and library files used by the management framework server.
services Class and library files for SAP Control Center services.
shared Shared class and library files.
templates SAP Control Center service or plug-in template files.