Messaging Log

Messaging log data includes data for all message-based application data routed by the dispatcher.

  • Time – the time and date stamp for the log entry.
  • Application ID – the unique identifier assigned to the registered application. Values may include a number, blank, or HWC, depending on the client type.
  • Application Connection ID – the unique identifier for a user application connection.
  • User ID – the ID of the user associated with the application ID. The user under the domain logs should be in the format "username@securityConfiguration".
  • Phase – as an aid in evaluating network performance, as part of overall application performance, select a phase to measure time of these events:
    • FBI – (first byte in) the time that the first byte is read from the request.
    • LBI – (last byte in) the time that the last byte is read from the request.
    • FBO – (first byte out) the time that the first byte is written to the response.
    • LBO – (last byte out) the time that the last byte is written to the response.
  • Source - the source of the log if its from the server or client.
  • Request URL - the Gateway URL.
  • Response Code – the response status code for the invocation.
  • Log Level – indicates the log level, if any, set on the client that controls what and how much should be logged.
  • Thread ID – the identifier for the thread used to process the request.
  • Node ID – the server node on which the request is received.
  • Transaction ID – a unique ID that represents a transaction (one cycle of request-response) performed by the client or application.
  • Root Context ID – a unique ID that represents a client/server session. A session can be thought of as a block that includes multiple requests from the client to the server.
  • Request Header Fields - the HTTP request header field contained in the application. For example, used by REST API-based application to create an application connection.
  • Response Header Fields - the HTTP response header field communicated to the device from the server.