Changing SQLAnywhere Database Server Startup Options

Change the database server startup options (thread counts and user options) to control the performance of a SQLAnywhere database server.

Depending on the type of installation you have performed, the servers you can change startup options for varies:
  1. Stop all instances of SAP Mobile Server, as well as all database services.
    For a list of database services, search for SAP Mobile Platform Windows Services in System Administration.
  2. If you are thread count and user startup options in a cluster deployment, then for each database that requires a startup option change, open the corresponding initialization file. These files are installed to SMP_HOME\Servers\SQLAnywhere16\binxx:
    • For the cache database, open cdboptions.ini.
    • For the cluster database, open cldboptions.ini.
    • For the log database, open monitoroptions.ini.
  3. Modify one of the startup options in the .ini files, for example:
    -gn <threadcount> -c <cachesize>
  4. Ensure all the database services are restarted.
  5. Restart all SAP Mobile Servers.
Related tasks
Changing Database Ports for SQLAnywhere Databases
Related reference
Update Properties (updateprops.bat) Utility
Cache Database Startup Options (cdboptions.ini) Initialization File