Performance Considerations for Relay Server and Outbound Enabler

Use this table to quickly ascertain which Relay Server and Outbound Enabler configuration properties you can adjust to tune performance.

Recommendations for 64-bit Production Servers
Component Function Default Production Recommendation
Relay Server shared memory Settings for shared memory buffer. Remember that shared memory must account for concurrent connections, especially with large payloads. 10MB 2GB
Relay Server response times To decrease the small payload response time of a Relay Server that is lightly loaded, an administrator can add up_pad_size=0 to the Relay Server configuration file created from SAP Control Center. Adding this value may have adverse affects for a highly loaded server since this setting defeats the built-in network Nagle's algorithm, which delays sending small packets in order to improve overall throughput for many small packets. None 0
Outbound Enabler deployment With SQL Anywhere®, each RSOE provides an upload and download channel to the relay server. 1 Outbound Enabler per server 3 Outbound Enablers per synchronization (replication or messaging) port, especially when initial synchronizations are larger than 4MB
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