Enabling and Disabling HTTP Request Logging for DCNs

Configure HTTP logging to record request event information logged by data change notifiications (DCNs). By default, HTTP logging for DCNs is disabled, except if the SAP Mobile Server has been upgrading from version 2.3 SP03 or lower, in which case the default is enabled. Output is directed to SMP_HOME\Servers\UnwiredServer\logs\<server.name>-http.log.

You can disable HTTP logs if you do not use DCNs.

  1. In the SAP Control Center left navigation pane, click Configuration.
  2. In the right administration pane, click the Log Setting tab and select Mobile Server.
  3. The option "Start a new server log on server restart" is set by default. When selected, this option means a new version of the log file is created after server restart, and the old one is archived.
  4. Set the HTTP log settings.
    1. Select Disable or Enable HTTP request log to generate an HTTP request log in the logs subdirectory. The generated log file name is server-name-http.log.
      Note: HTTP logging is off by default. Enabling HTTP logging can cause a performance impact and possible logging of sensitive data.
    2. Set the Maximum file size of the log file.
      Note: Maximum file size only takes effect when you select either Perform rotation or Archive.
    3. If you want to back up the log file when it reaches the limit, select Perform rotation. The backup file is saved as server-name-http.log.backup-number.
    4. If you want to continue to use the current log file when the server restarts, select Reuse.If you do not select this option, when the server restarts the current log file is copied to the .\old subdirectory and a new log file is created.
    5. If you want to archive the log file select Archive, then specify the Archive file name. If you want to compress the archive log file select Compress.
  5. Restart SAP Mobile Server.