Device Application Performance or Issue Analysis

If a device user reports lagging performance or errors in a deployed application, there are a series of diagnostics the administrator can perform to investigate the problem.

Symptoms that are not revealed by the monitoring tables are likely to require a review of administrative data from other parts of SAP Mobile Platform.

Check for Using See
Synchronization performance issues Package historical data to see if high volumes or frequent operations are causing the issue or problem Checking Package/User Histories
  Statistical information collected for the package Checking Overall Package Statistics
  User statistics to see what else the user is doing at the time Checking User KPIs for Other Data Usage
  SAP Control Center server administration data to see the responsiveness of the server Checking Server Responsiveness in SAP Control Center
SAP Mobile Server errors or failures System logs to see if there are messages indicating whether something has failed Looking for Errors and Failures in SCC
Related tasks
Collecting Data
Checking Package/User Histories
Checking Overall Package Statistics
Checking User KPIs for Package Statistics
Checking Messaging Responsiveness in SAP Control Center
Looking for Errors and Failures in SAP Control Center