Agentry Server: [Java-n] Section

The following table lists the available configuration options, acceptable values, and descriptions of the settings in the Java-n set of properties found in the SAP Control Center. These settings are also those found in the [Java-n] section of the Agentry.ini file.

When adding such a section the n portion of the section name must match the ID of the corresponding Java Virtual Machine system connection definition in the application. If no such system connection exists, the settings in this section will not affect the behavior of the Server or the application.

Configuration Setting Acceptable Values Description
enableAuthentication Boolean value of “true” or “false.” Default: true This value specifies whether or not users are authenticated against the back end system for this system connection. At least one system connection within the application must perform user authentication.
enablePreviousUserAuthentication Boolean value of “true” or “false.” Default: true. This value specifies whether or not previous users are authenticated against the back end system for this system connection. This authentication occurs when a user change occurs on the Client.
name Text value This setting can contain any text value used to identify the system connection in log files and other areas. This should be set to a unique value especially when working with multiple system connections.
classPath Valid fully qualified paths. This setting contains multiple path values specifying the location of different Java resources. This can include .jar files used by the application. Each path is required to contain be a fully qualified path. Each entry must be separated by a semi-colon. All paths for this setting are added to the system variable CLASSPATH of the Server’s host system.
serverClass Valid Java Server Class extension This option is set to specify the application-specific extension of the AJ-API syclo.agentry.server class. This setting is set when this API class has been extended by a server class for the application. If no such class exists, the default syclo.agentry.server class is assumed and should not be set for this configuration option.
outputDirectory Valid path value, relative to the Server. This configuration option is set to the location where the compiled .class files produced by the JVM are to be stored for execution. The standard is to use the sub-folder Java from the Server’s installation folder. However, another location may be used. Whichever location is used it must be specified here. This same path value must also be a part of the system’s CLASSPATH. This can be accomplished by setting that system variable, or by adding the value to the classPath configuration option.
sourceDirectory Valid path value, relative to the Server. This configuration option specifies the location of the .java files for the Steplet, ComplexTable and DataTable classes. This location is where these files are placed prior to compilation by the JVM. Note that this is not the location where the files reside in any project for Java files related to the application. The .java files are written to this location by the Server at run-time. Their contents are based on the definitions in which they are contained.
deleteSource Boolean value of “true” or “false.” Default: false This configuration option controls whether the files stored in sourceDirectory are deleted after successfully compiled by the JVM. This may be necessary in a development environment if the Java source files are modified outside of the Editor.
printStackTrace Boolean value of “true” or “false.” Default: false Setting this option to true will result in messages generated by the exception stack trace being printed to the events.log file produced by the Server.
printBusinessLogicStackTrace Boolean value of “true” or “false.” Default: false. Setting this option to true will result in messages generated by the AJ-API exception class JavaBusinessLogicError being printed to the events.log file produced by the Server.
timeZoneName Valid time zone name. Default: null This setting contains the name of the time zone to which date and time values are converted when received from Clients; or from which they are converted when sent to Clients. This conversion is based on the application definitions. This setting is only used to specify a time zone other than the one for the back end system.
initialHeapSize Positive integer value in megabytes. This setting specifies the initial heap size allocated by the JVM when it is started by the Server. This is equivalent to passing the -Xms command-line option to the JVM.
maxHeapSize Positive integer value in megabytes. This setting specifies the max heap size the JVM will allocate when running. This is the equivalent to passing the -Xmx command-line option to the JVM
reduceOSSignalUse Boolean value of “true” or “false.” Default: false This option, when set to true, will result in the JVM not being shut down when the Server shuts down. This is only applicable when the Server is running as Windows service.
nonStandardJavaOptions Text value. This option can contain additional command-line options passed to the JVM when started by the Server. Any valid options to the JVM may be listed here as they would appear on the command-line. If either -Xms or -Xmx are specified here, the corresponding configuration settings should not be used and should be omitted from the [Java-n] section.
lowMemoryPercentage Positive integer value as a percentage. This configuration option can contain a numeric value treated as a percentage. If available system memory falls below this value a message is written to the events.log file generated by the Server.
performCompile Boolean value of “true” or “false.” Default: true. This configuration option specifies whether or not to compile the .java files into .class files for the Steplet, ComplexTable, and DataTable classes written for the application. Setting this to false may increase performance in a production environment. In this case, the last built .class files will be reused each time such a class is called within the application. If set to true, each class of the above types will be recompiled prior to execution for each user.
debugFile Valid file name or path and file name relative to the Server. This option specifies the name of the log file generated by the Server with messages produced by the AJ-API. The token %1 may be included to make add the value in the “name” configuration option of the [Java-n] section to the file name. Example: “” will produce a a file name similar to: “”
debug Boolean value of “true” or “false.” Default: see description This option specifies whether debugging messages are generated by the Server in relation to the JVM System Connection for the [Java-n] section. Note that this option need not be set to true in order to have the JVM produce its own debugging information via the nonStandardJavaOptions setting. The debug option is set by default to true for development servers and false for production servers.